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Understanding and Utilizing Cloud Security

By 12th August 2021 No Comments

The international cloud service business has been steadily rising year after year since 2010, so much in fact that by 2020, it reached an estimate of $370 billion, meaning a growth of almost 400% in the space of just ten years. Therefore it won’t surprise you to learn that approximately 50% of all business data is now collected in the cloud 

The cloud is so much more than just a useful space to store your business’s data —it’s also a one-of-a-kind platform that allows you to create data as well as providing inventive solutions to help control and use that data. Therefore, this concentrated attention on flexibility has enabled and led to a type of service-focused thinking that was previously thought to be impossible. Currently, we can link and store everything digitally to Cloud computing, however, excitingly this also means that there is so much potential future development waiting just around the corner. The Cloud already has so many fantastic features, indicating its future in the tech sector can only get bigger and brighter! 

The global pandemic meant that 2020 was a crucial year for the cloud, for it played such a major part in assisting companies from all industries with remote working. It helped these companies combine the already active organizational methods with the new and innovative cloud technologies, providing much greater working flexibility. However, even today businesses still face rare and individual challenges with their cloud suppliers and it’s these challenges that are influencing new developments and their results. As the reality of a cloud-based world gets closer and closer, companies looking for advantages need to realize and appreciate the fluctuating ways of the cloud services industry.  

One major advantage found from the Cloud is security. Cyberattacks remain a central issue, especially when they seem to find and advance new approaches that upset our way of life. However, as they advance, so will the security of the Cloud. The information stored in the cloud is protected, yet not complete, and less than a third of companies are less comfortable keeping their data in the cloud than they would keeping it on-premises. That being said, breaking through security methods on the cloud is tough. Cloud storage organisations offer password-protected information storage, following which data is sent through the internet employing encryption technology. The fact that 99% of UK companies using the cloud have never faced a security issue says a lot. Cloud computing guarantees that the top standards of security are maintained and that it will always be trying to find ways to make it safer for the future. 

If your company decides to use the cloud, not only will your data be more protected, but it can also make use of the other benefits that the cloud has to offer. Advantages include improved responsiveness, better data sharing facilities, smaller upkeep and infrastructure costs, less stress on the IT department, and the ability to expand and better meet the competition on both a local and international level. 

If your business is looking to make the move to the cloud or you just want a better understanding of the Cloud and its advantages, then get in touch with the friendly team here at BCI and see how we can help you harness the advantages that come from cloud-based technology.  

Sharon Sumner

Author Sharon Sumner

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